Sunday, September 21, 2008

Today,quick quick,quick!

Well today is Sunday,that means that we have to go to church in an hour, at the most. But I think I have enough time.
Yesterday we went to auditions for the Octavians play, "It's a Wonderful Life". I love that movie! But it's a play. I spoke the part of young Mary. It was fun! I memorized my whole monologue in about 5 minutes. Well I have to go now,
Bye! :) <><

Monday, September 8, 2008

Whoops! It's been 8 days since my last post!

I'm very sorry for not writing on the blog. But I was waiting for the internet to work. We're back home now and our power is good. Thank goodness! A tree that Erin and Casey planted is tilting, but we'll put some sticks up to help it. :) Nana and Pete are staying with us until they get water. They brought their puppy, Sassy Britches, with them! She was very active at first, but she got calmer every day. She's used to seeing us, so when she goes back home she'll be like, "where Is everybody?" :) So Nana brought her home for a while. This pic is almost what she looks like but white and poofy.Her face looks like this. We are still waiting for them to get back. I've got to go wash pots now.

Bye! :) <><